Sunday, December 13, 2009

Apple Sucks

You know, I didn't really think about it at the time, but I think at least subconsciously I started using Linux to give me the upper hands against stupid Apple fanboys. Because as smug as Apple fanboys are, Linux fanboys scoff at them.

I guess the point I'm trying to make is that I despise Apple and its fanboys. Macs are a wonder of bad technology, for one thing. I used the same Windows computer for 5 years before replacing it for college. When my sister's Mac crashed, she had to either pay the price of a new Windows computer to fix it, or throw it out and get a new one. This was, of course, before a friend told her of an easy way to fix it.

Apple also goes on and on about their batteries. The truth is, while they might have been good back in the day, you can get a better battery for any laptop. And don't get me started on iPods; I had to replace my first iPod after a year because the battery died permanently and I couldn't replace it. I had to get rid of my second one when an iTunes update broke it, and I wasn't going to pay the outrageous price to get it fixed. It was a widespread bug, which curiously (a) only affected Windows users, and (b) occured just before the new model was released.

And then there's the company itself, and its PR. I'm not going to go on about the Mac commercials, because even the most devoted fanboy recognizes the obnoxious falsehoods therein. They used to not allow you to rate or comment on their products in online shopping, instead giving each one "five apples" because they think their products are great. Then there was the case of a certain iPod version containing viruses for Windows, which Apple promptly blamed on Microsoft.

Apple continues to fuel their crazed fanboys, and the rest of us get screwed in the process. I no longer trust anything I read on Wikipedia that has anything to do with Apple or its fields in general, because everything is tainted by the fanboys. That's why there are pages and pages of criticism for Microsoft products, and any time someone tries to write something bad about Apple, it is immediately reverted.

Here's a dose of reality for you: the iPhone is not the most popular smartphone platform. And OS X? About 5% usage share. Even Wikipedia says that. Don't be fooled by Apple or its fanboys.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

WTF Mate?

So, welcome to this blog. There's no point to it. Not like my video game blog (, which I'm bringing up inconspicuously and will start updates again when school starts back up. No, this is just for the stuff I want to say that I have nowhere else to say. Because it needs to be said. No it doesn't.